You may use the contact form above, or simply email or call me directly.


Phone: 831.869.2809

Office: 716 Lighthouse Ave., Suite E, Pacific Grove, CA 93950


Please read the waiver of liability and cancellation/refund policy below and electronically sign by selecting the checkbox for the waiver and selecting the checkbox for the cancellation/refund policy. Participants must understand and complete the waiver and cancellation/refund policy in order to register for and attend any retreats or classes.

Waiver of Liability

I accept full responsibility for my health and voluntarily complete this Acknowledgment and Waiver of Liability. I understand and agree that the services and tools offered by Meika Hamisch, LMFT are not intended to replace or be substituted for medical or psychiatric care. It is recognized that the training may at times make participants feel vulnerable. Retreats and classes are not a therapeutic intervention for psycho-pathological disorders as defined in the DSM, and is not meant to be used as such. By completing my registration, I consent and assume all risk for any physical or mental consequences of participating in the class, workshop or retreat. By signing this release I also specifically and expressly agree to hold harmless, indemnify and release Meika Hamisch, LMFT, and all training staff and each of their respective employees, partners, agents and associates from any and all liability for the results of the educational guidance that will be or has been provided. Moreover, I acknowledge that the particulars shared in this retreat or class by other participants are to be maintained as confidential. I will not blog or otherwise report on content shared in this retreat in any form of media.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Full refunds may only be issued if your cancellation request is received no later than 30 days prior to the retreat or class date. A 50% refund may be issued if the cancellation request is received between 30 days and 18 business days before the retreat. No refunds will be made for cancellations less than 18 business days before the first class or retreat session. All refund requests must be sent by email to

In regards to the Cultivation Compassion Training: If you need to miss more than 2 classes, please let Meika know, as this affects the class process. The class is developmental in the cultivation of compassion,  so extended misses can be disruptive to the learning process.  If at any time, once the class has started, it is deemed that this is not the best time to complete the entire course, either by Meika or you, no refund will be issued.  Payment confirms registration.  Please send payments to: Meika Hamisch, PO Box 51745, Pacific Grove, CA. 93950. ZELLE: