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Meika Hamisch, M.S., LMFT


 I am an LMFT who has practiced psychotherapy for over 39 years.  I have been a  trainer and educator in the areas of compassionate communication skills, psychology, cross-cultural perspectives in therapy and healing, mindfulness, and self-compassion cultivation methods. I have intensive meditation retreat experience, serving as the resident psychotherapist. I bring my direct experience and skill-based knowledge, integrating various traditions and methods for transformation to my teaching, therapy sessions, and individual coaching/mentoring.

My life journey has taken me down many explorative paths to healing, wholeness, and authenticity. I have felt there are many modalities and ways of viewing what healing/wholeness is for each culture and person. In my experience of suffering and healing, treating the symptoms often did not fully heal me. So, I sought out alternative methods that included my soul and spiritual well-being.  I studied complementary medicine with indigenous healers and several other healing modalities such as Reiki, Feng Shui, shamanic journeying, and homeopathy.  As a result of having profound and instructive dreams my whole life, I began studying dream work with several teachers and, most recently, with Robert Moss. I often hold dream classes and ongoing dream circles.  Over time, throughout these various explorations and practices,  it became very clear to me that compassion and presence for oneself and others is what deeply heals the heart regardless of what method/tool is utilized to grow and heal.  Mindfulness and presencing are key to awareness while helping facilitate space in the mind to accept what is.  Compassion cultivates the heart for a more profound acceptance of suffering and love.  I have learned that mindfulness and compassion are an inside-out way of life. The embodiment of these practices creates deep presencing within ourselves, our relational and collective field.  As a result, I have made a deep commitment to share and teach what I have learned.

I am a senior certified Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT™) teacher through Stanford University’s School of Medicine, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). I am also a certified teacher in Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) and certified in Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness. I trained as a Practice Group Leader with Thomas Hubl to deepen my presencing practice. I completed his two-year intensive TWT training, exploring generational/ancestral, and collective trauma. I am currently in the process of deepening my capacity to facilitate ancestral and collective trauma groups. I have taught workshops and retreats in Sacramento, at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine, and in my private practice on the Monterey Peninsula.  I  have provided consultation and training in compassionate care for local hospitals.  I can provide groups, consultations, and training in mindfulness, compassion for self and others, empathetic distress (compassion fatigue), and ways to make compassion an “inside-out” practice. I offer integrated practices for psycho-spiritual embodiment for an authentic life.

To contact Meika, please email her at or  call 831.869.2809